Hits And Memories

28 February 2007

Yes, we too have decided to demean ourselves with a collection of "Best of The Xander and Nico Pod". Some of these least worst posts are personal favourites, others are posts that alleged readers apparently enjoyed. In any case, it should keep the Pod going until my writer's block lifts.


Advice for Kevin Rudd, as he becomes Federal Opposition Leader December 4, 2006 (the most-read post I've ever published)

John Howard to stay on as PM August 10, 2006

On Ten Years Of The Howard Government March 2, 2006

Nico's new political rhetoric February 24, 2006

On Work Choices And Compulsory Voting October 28, 2005

The Australian Political dictionary October 23, 2004

Miscellaneous, Etcetera

Let's Ban Everything February 6, 2007

Ten Point Plan To Promote Australian Values September 13, 2006

What It Means To Be Australian September 12, 2004

An Open Letter To Xander April 27, 2006

The Truth About Psychics November 1, 2006

My One Woman Battle Against Poor Punctuation December 11, 2006

I'll be adding to this list - I find trolling through my archives a bit much to handle in large doses.


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