Farewell and All That

10 September 2010

Well, this is it. I said, once the Federal election was over, I would wrap up my blog - as I've said in posts over the last few months, I've completely lost my mojo and the timing seems right. But now that the time for the last post is here, I'm not quite sure what to say, except for one thing.

Thank you. Thank you to everyone who's ever read a post, come back to see what else I have written, left a comment (supportive or otherwise!), looked at the photos, followed a link, thought about what I have said. Many of you over the years have said that you've enjoyed what I've written, which has meant the world to me. When I look back at my first post, it doesn't feel like all that long since I wrote it, and yet. When I started this blog, I was 24, living alone in Newcastle, and Xander was a kitten. I'm now in my thirties, married, living in Sydney, and Xander is "mature" according to veterinary standards (which puts a slight lump in my throat when I think about it). Over the last seven years, I've had five jobs, lived in four apartments, covered three Federal elections, made tasteless jokes, infringed copyright and tried to incite violence. It's been a great teacher, both of writing and HTML. But nothing lasts forever, and it's definitely time to go. Thanks again, and I hope to see you all at my new project soon (I'll post the link here when it's ready to go).

Where we attempt to wave goodbye.


  1. I've certainly enjoyed the journey along with you ... I look forward to the next (love that picture by the way!).

    Take care.

  2. Thanks Tracey, it's been great having you along over the years!


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