Don't Let Journalism Die!

29 August 2008 2 Comments

As you've no doubt heard, Fairfax Journalists have gone on strike this weekend to protest the axing of 550 jobs in the company.

Fairfax say that their papers - including The Age, the Sydney Morning Herald, and the Financial Review - will be published this weekend regardless, using "strike breakers"...otherwise known as "scab labour".

So, show your support for journalism, and the rights of workers, by boycotting Fairfax papers this weekend. Show Fairfax management that journalism still plays a huge part in Australian society and we won't stand by and let this happen.

And hey, it's the easiest protest you'll ever be involved with - all you have to do is not buy the newspaper!

Please sign up below to show your support and spread the word, or join our group on Facebook.


  1. Show your support for Newcastle Fairfax journos. The journalists from The Herald will be in the Newcastle Mall today from 12.30pm. Come along and sign our petition.

  2. I'd go, but I'm in Sydney now :) Hopefully a good crowd gets along.


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