What a Cracking Weekend of Football That Was

20 June 2006 2 Comments

Of course, I'm disappointed by the 2-0 loss to Brazil. But we really did have their measure, and the score doesn't truly reflect the play of the game. We didn't exactly have the fairest of runs from the referee, but still, Kewell should have kept his mouth shut. Nonetheless, none of the players picked up anymore yellow cards, so we only need to draw against Croatia to win on Firday (AEST). However, even though I'd arranged to have the day off after every Socceroos game, through circumstances beyond everyone's control I will have to work Friday. As long as they understand when I send out memos that look like this: "3oriq chtuope56yhv806 wetipu sljh386**" because I've fallen asleep face down on the keyboard!

Apart from the win over Japan (obviously), my favourite match of the tournament so far was
Argentina's 6-0 win over Serbia. Sure, a nail-biting finish can be an exciting game, but for a nuetral fan there's nothing like the beauty of watching it all come together for a superb team. I'm particularly taken with young Argentinian star Lionel Messi who happens to look uncannily like Neil Morrisey (Tony from Men Behaving Badly).

A couple of posts ago, I mentioned how misue of the term "literally" drives me nuts. Well I have another one: this morning on Sunrise, the host was answering questions emailed in by viewers, and came to one about how the World Cup second round works - would there be new groups of teams formed? The host replied, "No, the second round is virtually a knockout stage."

No, it is a knockout stage you sad fool.

Lastly, here's a question for all you boffins out there...
If Spain beat Ukraine 4-0, and Ukraine beat Saudi Arabia 4-0, then how much will Spain beat the Saudis by?


  1. Spain 5 - KSA 1.

    Spain will rest a few of their backs and anyone who are on a Yellow card. Leaving the youthful and energetic reserves to show they are worthy of playing in the knock-out stages. Sorry... the VIRTUALLY knock-out stages.

    These players won't have the defensive strength of the first rate players, and may conceed one or two.

  2. Virtually - yeah, there's a special "wild card" for the quater finals (and it's not just limited to the final 32! It could be any footballing nation...Nauru here we come!)


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